LounaLab service will close June 18th. As of today, products can no longer be purchased there.

All purchased appointments and test results are safe and are available here until the stated date, then transferred to the current SYNLAB service. For more details see the news or contact our representative.

Experiences from LOUNA customers

If you want to give feedback yourself, we would be happy to hear it. We publish some of the experiences, but always ask for your permission first.

Please send your feedback to: info@lounalab.fi.

The avatar of Tapani N.

Having trying to take blood tests for several years, I grabbed Louna's offer on the spur of the moment. My previous experiences from other places about the difficulty of booking an appointment and queuing were blown away. The comprehensive network, the ease of shopping and the good mood convinced me. The sampler was reliable and professional and I got the results in five hours. Strong recommendation.

Tapani N.

The avatar of Ida Gustafsson

I have been to LOUNA blood tests several times already and I can only praise! You can easily and quickly book online, the service is professional and the results come really fast!

Ida Gustafsson

The avatar of Jessica Reiman

I exercise for a living, and also my free time is filled with physical activities. This is why recovery is a priority for me. In order to recover effectively, I need to be aware of my blood values. My iron and vitamin levels are of particular interest to me and I want to monitor them regularly. My ferritin levels have been too low for some time and I have taken steps to address this. Through LOUNA it has been easy to monitor these levels and fortunately they have started to go up very well after the measures. Of course, this has also reflected in my well-being and recovery. My vitamin levels have also been very good, according to the results of the studies. I like LOUNA's services because booking, paying, having the procedure and getting the results is so hassle-free and quick. It's also great that you can choose a test package that suits you or even just a single test. Using the website and booking an appointment is easy and often the appointment is very quick. Last time I had a test in the morning and got my results in the evening! A big thank you also to the professional nurses who take the samples with respect for the customer and also for the customers with a fear of spikes!

Jessica Reiman

The avatar of Riikka P.

Booking an appointment online was very easy and appointments were available in the mornings as well. Comprehensive information about the tets was available in advance and it was clear what was going to be measured and how the tests would affect your performance. It was also clear how to prepare for the tests. The appointment send a reminder message, which is very good. Arriving and getting to the test were easy. You received a text message about the results when the first part was completed. The results came quickly and you could clearly see the reference values ​​and your own results in relation to them. A big recommendation for the louna service and this research package.

Riikka P.

The avatar of Sara Malinen

Absolutely great service for monitoring your health! Got an appointment quickly and the test was over in an instant. The results came mostly on the same day! It was wonderful to know what my values ​​are. Based on the tests, i also found out the values ​​outside the reference values, based on which I will consult a doctor.

Sara Malinen

The avatar of Sanna Luther

For me, living a healthy and balanced life is important. In addition to listening to what my body is telling me, I also like to check what my body needs at any given time with laboratory tests. With LOUNA's services, it's easy and hassle-free. I can book a sampling appointment via the website and often I can get an appointment for the next day. The results are often ready already on the day of the sampling. I can choose between different packages, or even a single test. At the very least, laboratory tests will confirm my ferritin and vitamin levels, as well as my cholesterol levels. Next, I think I'll try the Woman's Health Values package, which gives a comprehensive picture of issues specifically related to women's well-being. All this can be done quickly and easily with the help of LOUNA's professional staff.

Sanna Luther

The avatar of Satu Koivisto

I love eating and luckily I can make food for my job as well. I bake chocolate cakes, brush a decent amount of butter on oven-fresh sour root bread, and skewer coconut milk into curries. I believe that a healthy diet can accommodate many types, sometimes hard fats. As most of the vegetarian and vegan food, my diet is definitely pretty good. However, I will already be 44 in the summer of 2022. A little bit of anything is available as a family burden: high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension… So cholesterol levels in particular made me think. Through LOUNA, it was really easy to find out all the key blood values ​​at once. The appointment was made convenient on my cell phone, and I got an appointment the very next day. I was out of the blood test in five minutes, and the results arrived the next day. It was reassuring to hear that almost everything was fine. Vitamin D levels looked red and were easy to fix. I will continue to use LOUNA's services in the future.

Satu Koivisto

The avatar of Janne Orava

Measuring your own blood and other values ​​from time to time is both useful and interesting. At LOUNA, things worked like clockwork, both in terms of booking an appointment, taking samples and getting values. If you are interested in measuring your own health values ​​or if you suspect that some value is in a bad state, I warmly recommend LOUNA's comprehensive range of services. You will not be disappointed.

Janne Orava

The avatar of Silva B.

I am satisfied with the service, easy and fast.

Silva B.

The avatar of Tuula Perälä

This was the third time I had taken this package. The results are nice to compare and this gives good information about my health status.

Tuula Perälä

The avatar of Matti S.

I take blood tests regularly, at least a couple of times a year. For this reason, a good customer experience and an affordable price are particularly important to me. LOUNA offers both of these.

Matti S.

The avatar of Jaakko K.

I am a wellness professional and I strive to live healthily and take care of myself. I largely trust my own feeling, but I believe that in reality the only way to get completely accurate information about the state of one's well-being is through blood values. I ended up at LOUNA, attracted by their clear and easy reservation system and ready-made, very versatile packages. I walked straight into the laboratory at the appointed time, which suits my busy everyday life, since I didn't have to wait unnecessarily on the spot. The sampling was professional and effortless, and some of the results came already on the same day. I'm definitely going to go regularly from now on to measure my value at LOUNA.

Jaakko K.

The avatar of Hanna V.

I am really satisfied. I got an appointment easily and effortlessly. The results came quickly and were easy to read. The package was suitable to tell about the health values of a active person. I would recommend it to everyone I know.

Hanna V.

The avatar of Maiju Saha

Really easy service to use. The results gave me valuable information about my health, as the results showed a severe iron deficiency that I am now going to treat. I have also recommended the service to many of my friends based on my own positive experience!

Maiju Saha

The avatar of Jouni M.

I effectively got an overall picture of my health and concrete information on what to pay attention to. Using the service was very smooth.

Jouni M.

The avatar of Suvi R.

Super good service! You can get an appointment quickly and the results came the next day. The test package was really comprehensive. I thought it was great that the reference values ​​and whether the value is within or outside the reference values ​​were explained in more detail in connection with the results. As well as interpretation instructions and possible reasons for results outside the reference values.

Suvi R.

The avatar of Hanna M.

Thank you for letting me test my blood values! It was important for me to get confirmation of my iron values ​​and it was good that the liver values ​​were examined as well! The liver values ​​were outside the reference values ​​and now i can influence my lifestyle. Thank you.

Hanna M.

The avatar of Johanna H.

The results provided me with information to support my wellbeing and healthy choices. The service was easy to use, appointment was quick and also the results came quickly.

Johanna H.

The avatar of Tiina Y.

Really easy and functional service.

Tiina Y.

The avatar of Inga L.

Got the appointment for the next morning, everything went easily and comfortably and the results came the next day even though it was a weekend. The results page is clear and easy to use, it's nice that in addition to the values, each value has been opened verbally in more detail. Louna's own visual look is clear and fresh. I believe that I will continue to use louna`s services when i test after some time whether I have improved my values. A current and trendy campaign offer, although the competitor has the same type content, it seems to be 99e, and it should stand out somehow.

Inga L.

The avatar of Ronja R.

I have had anemia in the past and now two years after that I wanted to check my blood values. I’ve been thinking about it for a year but it has felt like such a difficult process to get to the blood tests. When I came across LOUNA's service, I was surprised at how quick and easy it really was. I got the appointment for the same week, the lab was easy to find and the results even came on the same day. Now in retrospect it feels weird that i moved the blood tests because i thought it was somehow difficult. In the future i will check the values ​​once a year, as it was so easy.

Ronja R.

The avatar of Margarita-Emili P.

The sampling went smoothly and the sampler was pleasant. Most of the test results came the next morning. I am very satisfied with the service and its ease, I could use it again.

Margarita-Emili P.

The avatar of Miia R.

Using LOUNA was easy, fast and effortless. The instructions were good. Rescheduling my appointment had also been made easy. I took the vegetarian test package and now I know I need to pay more attention to my iron and vitamin d intake. Some of the results came the same day!

Miia R.

The avatar of Vilma V.

Everything went perfectly in the cooperation! Thank you!

Vilma V.

The avatar of Marjo S.

The best thing you can buy for yourself is knowledge of how our bodies can internally. LOUNA has increased the interest to continue to regularly monitoring of one's own well-being in order to be able to respond to various variables; intervene in time. The task of the body is to be able to carry a person from year to year - how important it is to keep it in concern: internally and externally.

Marjo S.

The avatar of Miia M.

Louna is an easy and quick way to get more information about your own health. The results come quickly and are easy to interpret.

Miia M.

The avatar of Riikka N.

LOUNA is a great service in every aspect, and it provided me with valuable information about my health in a quick and easy way. A big plus is the comprehensive range of tests, from which you can conveniently choose the tests you want without a doctor's referral. The whole process from booking tests to interpreting the results went smoothly and I will certainly use LOUNA again in the future. A strong recommendation!

Riikka N.

The avatar of Samu H.

Great service!

Samu H.

The avatar of Riina R.

I chose the active woman's health values ​​package! The package had extensive coverage of everything. Eg vitamins, which interested me a lot because they are really not usually tested. Booking an appointment was easy and the results came the same day!

Riina R.
