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Lipoprotein, apo B


Lipoproteins are combinations of lipids and proteins, transporting fat molecules in blood circulation. Cholesterol is an example of such lipids. Apolipoprotein is the protein component of these assemblies. Apolipoproteins help precisely determine the functions and structural composition of lipoproteins.

Cholesterol is a vital element in building cells and some hormones, and therefore plays an important role in the body. However, excess cholesterol may build up on artery walls, causing arteriosclerosis. In the coronary arteries of the heart, arteriosclerosis may cause coronary heart disease, potentially resulting in a heart attack. High lipoprotein levels in the blood are, therefore, related to an elevated risk of coronary heart disease.

When should LipoB be measured?

A LipoB test may be a good idea if the fat levels are high or the risk of heart disease or coronary heart disease is elevated. A test is also in order if the person has a hereditary predisposition to high cholesterol levels.

What does the test measure?

The test can be used to assess the apolipoprotein B levels in the blood.

This helps assess the risk of heart disease and coronary heart disease and evaluate the fat metabolism.

Normally, the result is:

Reference values:

  • Men: 0.6–1.4 g/l
  • Women: 0.6–1.3 g/l

Please contact your physician or other healthcare professional if you suspect an illness or need help interpreting the results.

Read more about defining reference values.

High LipoB levels may indicate a disruption in fat metabolism, also known as dyslipidemia. High values may also indicate type 2 diabetes or a liver disorder, such as hepatitis or fatty liver. Elevated values are linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Apolipoprotein B is formed in the liver. Because of this, decreased LipoB levels are related to liver disorders. Apolipoprotein B can also be absent in the body in a rare, hereditary disorder known as abetalipoproteinemia.

SYNLAB test list: Lipoprotein, apoB (2248 fS-LipoB) https://www2.synlab.fi/laboratoriokasikirja/tutkimuskuvaukset/lipob/

Lab Tests Online: Lipoprotein a https://labtestsonline.org/tests/lipoprotein-a


Fasting is not required

This examination does not require fasting